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Thank You, Dear Readers

On November 7 in 2016, I set up a blog on my website. I have posted to it weekly ever since then. The posts turned out to be flash nonfiction. Is there such a term? It has been highly therapeutic for me to write here, and so different from poetry. Now, 236 posts later, I’m fairly sure this will be my last. I could continue, but more important to me is finishing up some projects and maybe turning some of these posts into a book. That takes energy and lots of time.

This past week, I had some quiet time. I realized that I’m loaded to the gills with things to do, things to complete. I need to cut back somewhere. I want to continue to play in my kitchen and in the yard, work with church children on Wednesday nights, and finish up a couple of books. If a grandchild has an event, I don’t want to check a calendar before saying, “Yes!” I want the inner freedom to just go.

I’m so grateful for my readers. Thank you for faithfully following my poetry, prose, and this blog. When I write, I try to stay in my reality of what’s truly happening. My goals have been to help people think outside the box and to share God’s truth. I came from a large family, became a teacher and parent, then I returned to school to become a professional mental health counselor. I try to be vulnerable enough that all of that can come through my writing.

Whatever I watch and read, I choose with care. Last week, I started reading a series called The House of Winslow by Gilbert Morris. It’s the American story, starting with the Mayflower. Each book in the series is a historical romance. I love America, history, and a good love story. This past week I watched Same Kind of Different as Me, a movie. I read the book some years ago and had the honor of meeting one of the authors at a dinner for the homeless in Shreveport, Louisiana. I finished reading A Dog’s Journey by W. Bruce Cameron last night. All of these books are five-star, in my opinion. Still, I have been reading on another book for over a month. I am letting it soak in slowly: The King Is Coming by Erwin W. Lutzer. I think I’ll need to read it twice. One more chapter to go on this read.

So, after today, I’ll let go of regularly posting to my blog. My present plan is to continue to read some great books and write whatever I wish, whenever I wish, as I feel moved.

Thank you for your kindness and faithfulness, dear readers. I wrote for you. I wrote for me. It was definitely fun for me.

In a time when our great America is in the midst of big changes, I encourage you to not fear. God is in total control. His plan will come to pass. God has had a plan from the beginning.

God bless,

Pat Durmon

P.S. I appreciate any shares. Links to the Amazon pages of my poetry books are listed below.

Pat Durmon, October 2021. Photograph taken by Jimmy Durmon.

Poetry Books by Pat Durmon



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