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Hesychia House

Sometimes we need a break, a time-out. That can look like a fifteen-minute coffee break, an hour hidden away in a bedroom, or three days in a cabin on the river. Hesychia House is such a place. Here is how it works:

Hesychia House Ministry

2663 Shipps Drive

Norfork, Arkansas 72658

Hesychia (pronounced Hes e kī a) House is a safe place in the Ozarks for retreat, a place of stillness, a place where God can bless you with goodness, calm, wisdom, love, and vision. As your hosts, we (Jimmy and Pat Durmon) are pleased to have those whom God brings to us.

Rest, stillness, and prayer bring renewal. We will pray for you while you are here on the premises.

We do not disturb the guests. As hosts, we go on with our daily routines which may include cooking, cleaning, mowing, gardening, fishing, a job, or a trip into Mountain Home. You are welcome to sit on any of the porches and take in the mountains and river, walk around the grounds, walk the road, ease your way down to the river, play instruments/radio/CDs, sing songs, creature-watch, read, write, draw, paint, journal, play with the dogs, or whatever helps you to make contact with God. We honor your way of connecting with the Creator.

A simple dinner is served in the evening, usually about 6:00 p.m. at Jimmy and Pat's home. You are invited. Let us know if you prefer total solitude, which means eating alone with the sunset or trees or river rather than having dinner with people. We understand and will not be in the least offended. Your hosts understand the need for silence and God-time.

We serve God by providing the Hesychia House for you. If you need talk-time, let us know. If something in the cabin is broken or needs attention, please inform us. (We want to keep everything in working condition and distress to a minimum.)

Linens and towels are provided. One double bed. Bring your own foods for breakfast and lunch. Refrigerator and kitchenette, provided. Thank you for not smoking inside any of the buildings.

We are happy to have you and want to assist you, but we cannot be responsible for any accidents. (Upon arrival, please sign the page which releases us.) Thank you.

There is no fee or charge for your housing. You may come during weekdays or weekends. Reservations need to be pre-arranged with Pat Durmon ( or 870-425-8394). Detailed directions, given then.

If you feel led to donate to the ministry of Hesychia House, it will be used wisely for upkeep and others who come. You may leave your donation on the desk, give it to Pat Durmon, or mail it. It is neither expected nor required. We will be blessed by your very presence, your prayers, and your motive for being here.

An excerpt in "The Prelude" by William Wordsworth says it like this:

When from our better selves we have too long Been parted by the hurrying world, and droop, Sick of its business, of its pleasures tired, How gracious, how benign, is Solitude!

This is a place to rest, to retreat from the hurried world. It is a place of beauty, a place of low activity. May your body, mind, and spirit be renewed by Our Creator and Our Lord.

If you wish, file this blog post and when it fits, give us a call or email. Feel free to sign up for new post reminder emails below the photo of the Hesychia House. (Names and emails, kept private.)

Photo by Pat Durmon of Hesychia House, 7 miles from Norfork, Arkansas, May 2017.

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