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May 25, 2020
After the American Civil War
Few people know about my fascination with the Civil War. I don’t talk about it. Guess I figure most are not that interested in American...

May 18, 2020
Another Loss
Night sky frays to early day. A kind light approaches above the mountains. This is the day my friend leaves her home to catch a plane....

May 11, 2020
The Day Before Mother’s Day
I know I’m a mother, but my mind is still on what happened yesterday in Walmart. That’s right. I ventured out because I needed a...

May 4, 2020
It’s the third day of May. The purple irises I dug up from your yard are blooming their heads off, as you’d always say. The grass is...

Apr 27, 2020
Why Do You Write?
I’ll never forget the question. I paused, looked up at the woman, and said something like this: “It helps me wrap my mind around whatever...

Apr 20, 2020
Dialog About My Way of Coping
“You have a book beside every chair in the house,” he said. I looked at him. “Yes, that’s how I’m getting through the pandemic.” He...

Apr 13, 2020
New Hope, New Beginnings
But first, there was Good Friday. Jesus Christ had hung on the cross six hours, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m., when He said, “Father, into...

Apr 6, 2020
And the people stayed home
And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways...

Mar 30, 2020
I Salute Grandparents!
It’s a huge job. Tiring and joy-packed, if you have the nerve to take it on, if you are willing to live out the role. No money in this...

Mar 23, 2020
It’s Wednesday evening. Light is dimming in the sky. During normal times, we are picking up children in a van for church. Today is...
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