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Dec 12, 2016
Fa-la-la-la-la, la, la, la, la
God blessed me with lots of brothers and sisters. They came in every shape and variety. I’m the oldest girl, second child. I grew up...

Dec 5, 2016
Hanging Out
I’m a bit of a mess today. Wilted from spending much energy to meet a deadline. Manuscript, submitted last night! I celebrated by ringing...

Nov 28, 2016
It is either a cyst or the cancer is back. I found it, but my heart is ungrateful. More information after a biopsy and days of waiting....

Nov 21, 2016
Song of the Paper Burner
It is the week before Thanksgiving, and the oak leaves are yellowing. I am with others helping a friend pack up to move back to the...

Nov 14, 2016
Saying Thank You
It was after we had voted, after teasing with friends at the precinct, after meeting the man who owned the persimmon tree. Heading home,...

Nov 7, 2016
Ugly, Beautiful
My art teacher placed paper and pencil in front of me. Then she arranged a few zinnias and put the vase on the table. Her instruction was...
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